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- 非虛構翻譯獎學金
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- 第一季
Translation Works and Notes
(按姓氏英文拼音排序 Sorted alphabetically by surname)
Her AI Lover: Real or Artificial Love?
Translated by: Yo-Ling Chen
Original article: 《她們的 AI 戀人——真實或虛妄的愛》
(Third Prize Winner of the First Season of the Frontline Fellowship for Chinese Creative Nonfiction)
Written by: ScarlyZ
Translation mentor: Carlos Rojas
Between Borders:
"The Spring Revolution" and Burmese Exiles on the Thai-Myanmar Border
Translated by: Diego GeOriginal article: 《國境之間:「春天革命」與泰緬邊界上的緬甸流亡者》
(Second Prize Winner of the Third Season of the Frontline Fellowship for Chinese Creative Nonfiction)
Written by: Wu Qin
Translation mentor: Han Zhang
Together in the Dark:
How MIRROR Fans Connect
Translated by: Ka Kei Lau
Original article: 《在未知中同行:MIRROR 歌迷的連結》
(First Prize Winner of the First Season of the Frontline Fellowship for Chinese Creative Nonfiction)
Written by: Kitty Ho Shuet-ying
Translation Mentor: Jennifer Feeley
The Night Shift Teacher:
A Shaman's Survival in the Cracks of Modern Chinese Society
Translated by: Hongyan Wei
Original article: 《夜班老師:在現代中國的社會夾縫中做巫師》
(First Prize Winner of the Second Season of the Frontline Fellowship for Chinese Creative Nonfiction)
Written by: Huang Yuqing
Translation Mentor: Charles A. Laughlin

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